Exotic Animals

Cats and dogs are amazing pets to have, but you may be considering something a little more...exotic. Exotic pets may not be as popular as other animals that you are used to seeing as part of a family’s household, but they can be just as fun, rewarding, and easy to form bonds with! 

Birds, for example, are highly intelligent animals that can be taught to or vocalize. Turtles, if provided the proper habitat and dietary requirements, can be another great addition to your home with their unique personalities. Reptiles are quiet, low-maintenance, scaly friends that can also offer you companionship without all the hassle. Read more below to discover what type of care each of these animals needs and if they’re right for you.

  • Pet-Friendly Exercises Offer Benefits for Both You and Your Pet

    Looking for a devoted workout partner? Consider exercising with your pet.

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  • Protect Your Pets with These Water Safety Tips

    There's nothing better than cooling off in a pool, lake or the ocean on a hot day, particularly if you wear a fur coat year-round. Unfortunately, our pets aren't aware of the dangers that water can pose. A few precautions can help you ensure that your pet enjoys the water safely this summer. Can Your

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  • Protect Your Pet from Painful Paw Pad Burns

    Have you ever tried to walk across the beach barefoot on a very hot day? After the first few steps, you probably set a new speed record as you sprinted to the water, or maybe you gave in and put on your sandals before taking another step. Your pet experiences the same reaction during summer walks on

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  • Does Your Dog Suffer From Anxiety?

    Anxious dogs tend to act out in ways their people do not like. If you have ever returned home to discover shredded pillows or bite marks on your front door, you are probably familiar with the consequences of anxiety. Understanding why your dog is anxious is the key to helping your dog overcome this common problem.

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  • Cooking for Your Pets

    Read the back of a pet food bag and you will see a long lists of ingredients that features a variety of preservatives and fillers. While these ingredients may keep the food fresh, they are not always good for your pet. Luckily, you will find plenty of dog and cat food recipes on the Internet that will

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