various small mammals

Although small mammals are cute and tiny, they can be a big responsibility. If you’re interested in owning a chinchilla, ferret, hamster, hedgehogs, gerbils, guinea pigs, rabbits, rats, and other small mammals, it’s important to learn how to properly care for each of these furry creatures before bringing them home with you. 

Consider what size, temperament, and activity level are right for your household so you can choose the option that best matches your lifestyle. Are you looking for an animal that will take kindly to being petted and interact with you? Rabbits or guinea pigs are pets that enjoy cuddling once they’re gotten used to you. Be sure to choose a small mammal that has what you’re looking for and you’ll love having it around. Check out the articles below to learn more about the general care of each of these animals.

  • Managing Food Allergies with an Elimination Diet

    Food allergies are the third most common allergy that affects dogs and cats, outranked only by fleabites and inhaled allergens (e.g., pollen). Allergies to common food ingredients are also on the rise and now account for at least 30% of all allergy cases. Unfortunately for many pets, the most common

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  • Pet Food Safety Measures to Avoid Health Complications

    Foods with inadequate nutrition, stored improperly or not handled safely can present problems for you and your pet. Making the right choices for the right pet will give your pet the best chance at optimum wellness. You'll have peace of mind and know your pet will receive the best health value possible.

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  • Pet Weight Critical to Wellness of Cats and Dogs

    The Association of Pet Obesity Prevention advises that pets are suffering from epidemic obesity and it is preventable. Obese or overweight animals weigh in at nearly sixty-percent for cats and nearly fifty-percent for dogs. The number is constantly increasing and causing health conditions and physical

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  • Why Pet Nutrition Matters

    With more than half of all dogs and cats overweight or obese, pets are increasingly at risk for a number of chronic health problems, according to the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA). An appropriate, balanced diet can make a significant difference for a pet’s overall health, reducing the

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  • Nutrition Terms

    As pets have become more important to their owners, what the pets are fed has become more important as well. Most pet owners are concerned about the quality and nutrition level of the food they are feeding their furry family members. There are now hundreds of pet foods available to the consumer. How

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