Farm Animals

Have you ever dreamed of one day owning a farm? Well, owning some livestock can give you the same rewarding feeling. Livestock consists of animals such as cows, pigs, sheep, goats, donkeys, horses, and mules. Whether you want an animal to provide you with fresh eggs in the morning or one to ride through your pasture, livestock animals are your best bet to give you what you are looking for. 

Choosing what livestock to raise relies heavily on how much space you have, if they need fencing, how much they eat, state and local property laws, and more. You should also consider what type of veterinary care your livestock will require to avoid the spread of diseases and external parasites. Your veterinarian can recommend the best vaccinations for your livestock so they stay as healthy as possible. Continue to the articles below to learn how you should care for each livestock animal.

  • Preparing for Your Kitten’s Developmental Milestones

    Need to hone in on your kitten knowledge? Check out the milestones your new pet will reach during its first year.

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  • What Is Ataxia in Dogs?

    Could balance or gait issues mean your dog has ataxia?

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  • Caring for Senior Cats

    Thanks to advancements in veterinary care, today’s cats can live well into their teen years. It is not uncommon for cats to live to be 18 or even older. However, in order for cats to live a long full life, they need proactive veterinary care to stay healthy. As cats age, they are at greater risk for

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  • Feline Stomatitis: Treatments

    Cats rarely display their pain, but cats with feline stomatitis are often the exception. If your cat appears to have mouth pain, is reluctant to eat, doesn't want to groom, is drooling, and doesn't want you to open its mouth, it may be suffering from this debilitating, degenerative oral condition, and

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  • Feline Leukemia Virus: What You Need to Know

    Feline leukemia (FeLV) is a virus that weakens your cat's immune system. Unfortunately, when the immune system does not function properly, your cat may be more likely to develop other diseases, such as cancer and blood disorders. How Cats Contract Feline Leukemia Cats get feline leukemia from other cats.

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