Farm Animals

Have you ever dreamed of one day owning a farm? Well, owning some livestock can give you the same rewarding feeling. Livestock consists of animals such as cows, pigs, sheep, goats, donkeys, horses, and mules. Whether you want an animal to provide you with fresh eggs in the morning or one to ride through your pasture, livestock animals are your best bet to give you what you are looking for. 

Choosing what livestock to raise relies heavily on how much space you have, if they need fencing, how much they eat, state and local property laws, and more. You should also consider what type of veterinary care your livestock will require to avoid the spread of diseases and external parasites. Your veterinarian can recommend the best vaccinations for your livestock so they stay as healthy as possible. Continue to the articles below to learn how you should care for each livestock animal.

  • Newts

    Are you considering getting a pet newt? Newts may not be the most obvious choice for a pet, but as many veterinarians can tell you, newts are the smart pet choice for a variety of compelling reasons. Newts are sentient creatures; that is, they are self-aware and capable of forming bonds with humans.

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  • Salamanders

    Salamanders make great pets. They’re ideal for apartment residents because they’re quiet. They don’t take up a lot of room because they’re small. They don’t need a background to run around like a dog. They don’t require a lot of personal attention, so they’re also perfect for busy working

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  • Macaws

    If you've decided to enter the entertaining world of bird ownership, you may be thinking about adopting a macaw. These giants of the parrot world make fun companions, but here are some things you should consider before making that purchase. What You Should Know About Macaw Ownership Macaws can make a

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  • Cockatoos

    If you're looking for a lively, affectionate, intelligent pet, you don't have to limit yourself to a dog or cat. Members of the Cacatuidae family, better known as cockatoos, can provide those qualities in abundance. However, before you bring a cockatoo home for the first time, you need to understand

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  • Parrots

    If you’re thinking of adding a feathered friend to your family, you might be surprised at what it takes to care of this type of pet. While parrots are highly intelligent and fun pets, there are a few aspects that make them more difficult to care for than a cat or dog. Here’s what you need to know

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