Farm Animals

Have you ever dreamed of one day owning a farm? Well, owning some livestock can give you the same rewarding feeling. Livestock consists of animals such as cows, pigs, sheep, goats, donkeys, horses, and mules. Whether you want an animal to provide you with fresh eggs in the morning or one to ride through your pasture, livestock animals are your best bet to give you what you are looking for. 

Choosing what livestock to raise relies heavily on how much space you have, if they need fencing, how much they eat, state and local property laws, and more. You should also consider what type of veterinary care your livestock will require to avoid the spread of diseases and external parasites. Your veterinarian can recommend the best vaccinations for your livestock so they stay as healthy as possible. Continue to the articles below to learn how you should care for each livestock animal.

  • How Pet Food Is Made

    Many pet owners are just as concerned about what goes into their pet's food as they are about their own food. With so many brands out there, how can a concerned pet lover know that they are feeding the best? How can we know what is going into our friends' diets? With the health of their pets on

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  • Helping Your Pet Keep His Cool This Summer

    Hot dogs may be a popular summertime treat for baseball fans and backyard cookouts, but allowing our canine friends to overheat is a potential fatal disaster! Keeping our pets cool as the temperatures heat up doesn't have to be a challenge if you keep a few easy facts in mind. Dogs don't sweat

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  • Avoiding Dog Bites

    Each year almost 5 million dog bites are reported across North America and it is a rare evening on the nightly news when a dog attack is not reported. Yet, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, veterinarians and their staff make up a very small percentage of those bites in spite of their obvious

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  • Veterinary Ophthalmology

    It's been said that "eyes are the windows to the soul" and certainly when you look into the eyes of your beloved pets, you can see the affection and loyalty reflected there. Unfortunately, some owners look deep into their pet's eyes and see problems. When your pet's vision is at stake, veterinary ophthalmologists

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  • Senior Pets

    Pets are living longer thanks to advances in veterinary care, diagnostics, and earlier intervention. But the key to enjoying our "senior" pets lies not only in extending their life span, but in helping them enjoy their later years to the fullest. Like people, dogs and cats are prone to debilitating

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